Reviews (Page 1)

Accommodating, Friendly, and Professional

The tour was excellent. Traveling with a large group with a mix of adults and children can sometimes be hard, but you all were so accommodating, friendly, professional and we all, adults and children, really enjoyed the tour. Everyone was engaged and the walk was very nice with a good mix of history and hauntings. Thank you for making our first night in Savannah so great!

Tracy Hecht

Thank You

Thank you card

Thank you for making our trip more fun.

Girl Scouts of Central Texas

A Truly Awesome Adventure

Thank you card

Girl Scout Troop 41117 says thanks for such a great time. It was a truly awesome adventure!

Girl Scout Troop 41117

Thank You for Scaring Us

Thank you card

Thank you for scaring us.

Girl Scout Troop 6848

Thank You!

Thank You Card

Thank you for giving us a ghost tour!

Girl Scouts of Central Texas

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